


Dodgeball is a 1-2 player game that is boys vs. girls. The game is to create fun with a challenge while beating your opponent. This game offers a chance for the player to play by themselves or with Ai.


Oct. - Dec. 2019


Dodgeball was designed by Justin Mata (the programer) and Noor Bondogji (the design artist).


Dodgeball was created with Unity. The art was designed in Pixilart.

“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball”

Patches O'Houlihan “Dodgeball movie”


The Process.

The list below is the process of creating Dodgeball over the course span of 3 months. My role is a lead designer and producer. I creates all the assets and artwork for the game including gifs and animations.

  • Understand.

    It all begins with an understanding. My partner and I started brainstorming through playing different online games that were between single and multiplayers to understand what we’d like to build.

  • Moodboard.

    The next phase was getting inspiration of design for dodgeball to help with visuals when designing the characters, scene, and game.

  • Build It.

    The first couple builds we designed the characters until we got our final results.

  • Playtesting.

    After building, Justin and I hosted 2 rounds of play testing and getting feedback from our players on what is working vs. not working. This helped a lot in user experience and design.

  • Final Touches.

    After play testing, we listened to our players and added more designs, and information to make the user experience fun!



The challenge in game design is the repetitive design work for gif or animation art. Even though this was created online through Pixilart, the work put into designing each character took about 1-2 weeks due to designing frame by frame, movement by movement. It was a great challenge and I’m proud of the results!

This took me a week to create through Pixilart.



The solution to any challenge is to take it step by step. Since each character took time to build, I was upfront with my partner Justin and told him how long it would take to be able to work together and have a more established schedule to be able to finish on time.

One thing that helped me finish was support from my partner Justin, and taking time outside of school to finish the work with shared documents.


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