Corona Trendy

Corona Trendy

Corona Trendy is an animation about the virus seen as a "phase" among some people rather than a pandemic. This short animation demonstrates certain crowds getting together regardless of the isolation.

  • Date.

    Sept. - Dec. 2020

  • Role.

    The idea of the design is to be "trendy" and cute looking without seeing the virus as something harmful or dangerous.

  • Deleverables.

    The mediums used for prototyping: Blender, an iPhone set on 4K, and printable markers for motion tracking.

Art can also act as a way of expressing ourselves and staying socially connected though we are keeping physical distance.

— Tiby Manu



The process of motion tracking and designing the covid variant took 2 months to create and reshooting.



After deciding my location, I went to public areas such as plaza’s to film (with my Canon Rebel Ti) my first takes with markers. The markers were big enough to fit a big object in my scene. I later found out, that the markers were not placed properly and the motion tracking didn’t work.



After a couple of trials and errors, I decided to try my front yard, and use markers that were smaller, and cut out. I also switched from my Canon to my iPhone with 4k settings. This helped me a lot later on with Blender. The motion tracking worked like a charm! One thing I learned is to be patient and to keep trying.

Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 10.23.49 PM.png


Motion tracking is by far a challenging process to go through but well worth it! Before and during the design and prototype, there is constant going back and forth on re-filming my scene to get my tracking correct. I went through different markers and taped them on my coffee table and started filming on my iPhone.

Once I got it down, building my scene was a little slow due to the amount of faces I’m building with. I experienced some crashes with Blender, and decided to switch my scene to wireframes to help with the process.

Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 10.47.09 PM.png


The solution to motion tracking is not moving too much and finding a spot where lighting and background is stable to help with the algorithm id-ing the markers. The best part was finally being able to parent my object to the scene.


Lemon-y Slice

