Creating art one illustration at a time.

Interrupted Peace.


This is glitch art. The idea for this project was to take something peaceful and distort it.

When we go about our days, we usually are stressed easily because of the amount of work we do daily.


September 2017


Take two words and design an illustration that represents the words.


An idea for digital media design.

glitch proc.

The Process

Starting with YouTube ending on Photoshop. Each project starts with understanding. I use YouTube to help me understand how to create a distorted illustration through Illustrator and Photoshop and convert my picture to a .bmp and manipulate the image in text editor; where all the glitch fun happens!

This process time took 4 hours to complete.

All In The Details.

  • These edits use geometry like squares, circles, and triangles.


How To Make a Geometric Collage using Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop.

It all begins with an idea. I used this tutorial to help me with distorting my image of nature and represent the word “interrupted”.

The illustration took me 2 hours to finish with the tutorial.

“The beauty about glitch art is that two identical pictures have different codes, that makes them unique.”

- Noor

glitch giphy.gif


When designing this piece, I struggled with working with Text Editor and getting a glitch that represented my idea. Every time I wrote a new word(s) in image code, the program would crash.

youtube giphy.gif


After going through hours of many trials and errors, I decided to send my for some advice to digital artists, and was directed to YouTube for tutorials on how to fix the program crash. Watching a couple videos, I was able to complete my design on time and produce my idea fully.




Lemon-y Slice